ConQEST 2021 will go ahead virtually

The ConQEST21 Virtual program will run on the original live event dates, Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th of September from 8:30AM – 12:30PM, at a reduced ticket price of $40 for the entire 8 hour event.  See the ConQEST tab of this website to obtain more information. Program times are reduced from two full days, to two half days to maximise online engagement. The morning programs are packed full of friendly faces from workshop presenters you know and love, and special guest Keynote presenters local to the Sunshine Coast. A FREE ticketed Virtual tradehall experience, “Supplier Speed Dating”, will be held WEEK 10 Wednesday15th September 2-3pm. Information regarding…



STARweek is an opportunity for schools to appreciate and recognise the professional support, invaluable knowledge and experience that science technicians contribute to your school.


QEST Membership renewals underway

QEST members have been invited by email to renew their membership for the period May 2021-April 2022. All new members are now welcome to join.  See the Join QEST page for information


QEST safety posters

A series of safety posters have been created by QEST for you to use in your labs. Members can access them through the resources section in the membership portal.


Are you on the QEST EQ Discussion list?

Want to have the state’s Science Technician Brain Trust at your fingertips? SUBSCRIBE TO THE QEST EQ DISCUSSION LIST for the support of your peers in your role: Go to  choose the list name “Science Technicians” from the drop down menu; enter ‘your name’ and ‘your email’ and then select ‘subscribe’