ConQEST22 theme, “A Healthy Dose of Science”, will inspire participants to expand and implement healthy practices in the Science Curriculum, in the Laboratory, and in their Lives.

The event provides invaluable opportunities for Science Technicians to participate in practical based workshops, presentations and discussions with focus on:

  • Exploring student investigation options in the National senior science curriculum;
  • Inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander science elaborations, and Sustainable practices across the science curriculum;
  • Exposure to latest laboratory management practices, science curriculum inclusions and current technologies;
  • Building relationships with industry professionals, to maximise resource efficiency and improve equipment expertise;
  • Wellbeing for science staff.

This diverse professional development increases the capacity of Science Technicians to have a direct impact on student outcomes, strengthening their integral contributions to science education.

QEST’s last face to face conference in 2019 involved approximately 130 school laboratory technicians from both the public and private sectors throughout Queensland.  At the 2022 Virtual Conference, 140 Science Technicians attended, 69% of whom had never been to a ConQEST!

To take advantage of our host location, this year we are extending our delegate invitation to Agricultural assistants, with the intension of providing an Agricultural stream that overlaps with the requirements of Senior Biology and Earth Science curriculums.

We look forward to welcoming a widening range of participants to ConQEST 2022.

QEST Member  2 days $275
QEST Member  1 day   $160
non-member      2 days $310
non-member      1 day   $195
QEST Volunteer 1 day  $110
QEST Volunteer 2 days $225