ConQEST 2021 will go ahead virtually
The ConQEST21 Virtual program will run on the original live event dates, Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th of September from 8:30AM – 12:30PM, at a reduced ticket price of $40 for the entire 8 hour event. See the ConQEST tab of this website to obtain more information.
Program times are reduced from two full days, to two half days to maximise online engagement. The morning programs are packed full of friendly faces from workshop presenters you know and love, and special guest Keynote presenters local to the Sunshine Coast.
A FREE ticketed Virtual tradehall experience, “Supplier Speed Dating”, will be held WEEK 10 Wednesday15th September 2-3pm. Information regarding registering for this has been sent out.
A MEMBER exclusive FREE ticketed event, “Tech-Talk”, will be held Term 4 WEEK 6 Wednesday10th November 1-3pm. More information about this event will be sent out early next Term.
All events will be recorded for future reference for delegates. Participants can expect the same professional experience and learning as was intended for the face to face event with ConQEST21 providing training opportunities directly related to the Science Technician role. You can find a sneak peak of the program outline here.
This year’s conference theme is “Sustainable Science”, implementing cost effective and environmentally sustainable practices in laboratory management and science curriculum delivery. Presentations, workshops and discussions will focus on:
· Exploring student investigation options in the National Senior Science curriculum;
· Exposure to latest laboratory management practises, science curriculum inclusions and current technologies;
· Building relationships with industry professionals, to maximise resource efficiency and improve equipment expertise.
We understand how important regular Professional development is to keep you up to date with the latest resources for your role in science education. This diverse annual professional development event aims to increase the capacity of Science Technicians to have a direct impact on student outcomes, strengthening their integral contributions to science education. We look forward to you joining us in this Virtual training