The future of Science ASSIST

Science ASSIST needs your help! Since 2014 Science ASSIST service has served over 231,000 users as the national online advisory service for school science educators and technicians. It has been freely available since inception because of generous Australian government funding. However from 1 July this year they have had to move the service to a subscriber basis due to the cessation of government funding. To sign-up to the service and find out costs and other information download these documents: Science_ASSIST_Expression_of_Interest_Form_for_schools_ ASTA_Letter_Science_ASSIST  


FREE Infection Control short course

$80 million funding to support critical infection control training in customer-facing businesses HLTSS00064 Infectious Control Skill Set (Generic) ABC Training & Consulting developed this course after the Australian Government together with state and territory governments established a new $80 million Infection Control Training Fund to fast-track fee free (or low cost) infection control training to support the re-opening of customer-facing businesses nationwide. The infection control short courses are the first national training products developed by the new Australian Industry Skills Emergency Response Sub-Committee in response to COVID-19. If you are interested in enrolling contact ABCTraining


QEST meeting minutes

The minutes from the last QEST meeting (24/8/2020) can be found in the member’s portal “Resource” section.


#STARweek2020 competition winner

Congratulations to QEST member Patricia (Patsy) Dickie of Albany Creek State High School who won the SETA/Modern Teaching Aids $1000 sponsorship to attend CONASTA in Canberra in 2021.


National Science Week 2020

The school theme of National Science Week 2020 is ‘Deep Blue: innovations for the future of our oceans’ and features the establishment of the Blue Economy CRC. With this in mind, it will embrace the innovative technologies, capabilities and skills needed to achieve economic, environmental and social sustainability of our oceans. It will feature insights and inquiries into workable solutions that generate healthy oceans, healthy economies and healthy communities.



NOTICE of QEST Inc. Annual General Meeting to be held via Teleconference on Wednesday 29th of July, at 3:30pm for a 3:45pm start Click here for the QEST 2020 AGM Agenda